
Goulburn STP

Sludge dredging and dewatering of No. 1 Sludge Lagoon

Goulburn Mulwaree (NSW)

Western STP

Werribee Open Water Dredging 3 yr + 3 yr Maintenance Contract at Melbourne Western Treatment Plan

Melbourne Water Corporation

Riverstone STP

Separation of sludge and dewatering and disposal of grits and rags from Aeration Tanks utilising a combination of screens, gravity table and sand screw

Sydney Water Corporation

Shotover WWTP

Dredge and dewater Shotover WWTP ponds using centrifuge and cutter-suction dredge. On-site transport and disposal of 13,000m3 dewatered sludge in a storage area constructed at the site – 2,500tDS

Queenstown Lakes DC-NZ

Kawerau Paper Mill

We have a maintenance contact with Noske Skogg to provide dredging and maintenance services at the WWTP of the Kawerau Pulp and Paper Mill

Wairoa WWTP

Dredge and dewater Wairoa WWTP oxidation pond using centrifuges. Off-site disposal of 15000m3 dewatered sludge to landfill

Cambridge WWTP

Desludging of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Lagoons. On-site dewatering and transport to beneficial reuse facility

Clarence CC (TAS)