The HSB API 610 (ISO 13709) Type BB1 is an axially split, single stage, horizontal, between bearing pump. Many HSB pumps are in service on crude oil pipelines in many parts of the world. Its robust casing and custom hydraulics are specifically designed to meet project requirements.
Main benefits
Axial split casing with 600# and 900# flanges to meet project requirements
Staggered vane, double suction impeller on larger sizes for reduced vibration
Custom hydraulics to meet both current and future requirements with a simple rotor change
Ball-ball, sleeve-ball and sleeve-pivot shoe bearings are available
High-speed designs available for remote gas turbine-driven applications
Main applications
Crude oil pipeline
Boiler feed boosting
Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbine (HPRT)
Main design features
High-pressure casing allows pumps to be run in series for pipeline flow variations
Robust shaft for reduced deflection
Custom designed impellers and volutes
Grouted, ungrouted and offshore heavy-duty baseplates